Start Screen

Create a new player and select one of four difficulty levels. Redux will keep track of the status of each player.

Exploring the Museum

Press and drag your finger to steer where you want to go.
Press at left or right edge to turn your view.
Press at lower left or right to slide sideways.
Press at the bottom to move backwards.
Tap on a painting or sculpture to go there and open the puzzle. At upper left of the screen there are four buttons:
? shows an overlay of tips as well as a navigation speed selector.
A shows this screen.
H displays a History of all the puzzles and their current state of completion and scores. Tap on an item to move to it quickly. M displays a Map and your current location. Tap on it to move to a new location quickly.


There are two types of puzzles, Drag Drop, where you move scrambled pieces back to their original position, and Cycle, where you click on pieces to cycle them back to their original color.

DragDrop Puzzles

At Difficulty levels 1 and 2 a small triangular button appears at top left of the screen. Tap on it to toggle a small view of the finished puzzle.
At Difficulty levels 3 and 4 the pieces are also scrambled in their rotation.
At the bottom of the screen is a group of buttons.
i displays information about the work. Click on the text to launch Safari and go to a web page about that work.
PEEK is disabled most of the time but every so often, depending on the level of difficulty, it activates briefly allowing you to take another look at the completed work.
STIR allows you to move all the pieces to new positions if you need a fresh view. Scoring:
Every time you drag then drop a piece of the puzzle your score will drop by one point. Every time you place a piece in its home position you will be rewarded with 5 points.

Cycle Puzzles

At the bottom of the screen the button labeled i displays information about the work. Tap on it to launch the browser and go to a web page about that work.
PEEK when active, allows you to take another look at the completed puzzle.

Each click costs one point.

Start Screen

Drag Drop Puzzle

Cycle Puzzle
Copyright 2014 Harold Feist